Song Lyrics are not Poetry

Song lyrics are not poetry Songs are not poems, lyrics are not poetry. Just like Vodka is not water, yet contains it Song lyrics are not poetry, even when they are poetic.Song lyrics are poetic sometimes, but never poetry. Read … Continue reading Song Lyrics are not Poetry


A continent formed, there in the dark ocean before us. And before we could stop to bless a creator (A volcano, or a God, or aliens) we had seen the Bosun slit the Captain’s throat. Alliances rose and fell and twenty noblemen were honoured at once from their distant estates in the old country. Titles to the new world bequeathed in the name of the titled. The second mate was opened like a sack of old meal flour before the madness was realised. And envoys were sent and the factions met on the deck freshly scrubbed to remove the blood. And so empires were forged. Continue reading Colonial

4 ways to increase your Blog’s traffic

Let’s face it – the reason you blog is not to express yourself, or to connect with people in a meaningful way. What you want is to get as many clicks and likes as possible. You’re dreaming of monetization and validation – of course you are! With that in mind here are 4 handy hints that should get your traffic up and flowing, and mean that those endless refreshes on the ‘Stats’ page of your site are greeted with feelings of pleasure at thousands of new views, rather than the sinking feeling that literally no one gives a shit about … Continue reading 4 ways to increase your Blog’s traffic