3 Gardens, 3 chapels

Baden by Vienna Whoever’s homeless now, will build no shelter; who lives alone will live indefinitely so, Rainer Maria Rilke It’s the sort of day that starts with a sparkling sunshine that is overwhelmed by a mass of clouds that … Continue reading 3 Gardens, 3 chapels

Rubble in the Streets of His Childhood

The sky is a rich and heavy blue, that seems to hover inches from our heads, as though we were inside a cubby house made from couch cushions and blankets. It crumples to the north with the weight of the clouds, at the corner that marks the edge of the village. There to the right is the ‘pick your own flowers’ field, with a single figure hunched among the orange and yellow rows. A moment later as the car surges forwards the local brothel slides past the driver’s side window. There are already a handful of cars parked there, though the Imbiss (roadside café) is closed. “Who … Continue reading Rubble in the Streets of His Childhood