Went into a Dream

What’s your all-time favorite album?

The Beatles- Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. I was only about 6 but I was asked to put ur the record on and off myself on my ability to lower the needle carefully. I never quite knew what was, just that i liked it-it spoke to me. And to this day whenever I hear it, I’m like Paul in “A Day in the Life” and I go into a dream.

The Beatles were bubblegum cards and Help at the Saturday morning cinema and toy plastic guitars and singing ‘Yellow Submarine’ at the top of my voice in the back row of the coach on school trips. They belong to me, not to me and Laura, or me and Charlie, or me and Alison Ashworth, and though they’ll make me feel something, they won’t make me feel anything bad.

Nick Hornby, High Fidelity

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