The Australian desert seen from the air

Host of Trauma

What are you good at?

I feel trust and mistrust
The way dogs see a scent trail
The way pigeons see home

He walks with broken hips
That sway like birch trees
After a tempest that undermines the vines if the earth
Holds his mouth ready for betrayal

She blinked like a moment in a dream
Where the sun went out for a few seconds
Like a threat. I don't watch her hands
They are scoundrels, all solid hair oil
And paper smiles.

They cannot hide from those moorings
Revealing their intent like a rotten fruit
Sour and foaming. I feel danger
The gift of hurt, over and over
Too young to be this afraid
Vigilance is a rusty key

I see each soul, taste intent
Like a dark necromancer, bringing supposition back from rest
There is no way to hide from me
There is no way to hide from myself.

3 thoughts on “Host of Trauma

    1. Thanks! I’m trying to destabilise the notion of the obvious reply to a prompt, because I feel that creates an echo chamber of responses that don’t grasp at the glorious diversity that the form of writing can offer

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