Verdigris Fantasies

Daily writing prompt
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?
Slide into a soliloquy, the colour of verdigris fantasies
like a forest of history forced into procrastination
Collars on every tree, each leaf and stem
beginning to manifest dreams
I reset every grain of upset sand - beg for the secrets
and gather snow-flowers among the impure shapes of gravel

Finding accrestions of adventure, and all is quiet and bright
like the last moment of a well hidden in a ruin
Abstract of a philosophy of ruin
Fluctuating the advantages of rainwater until the mechanism
is spent from its own motion. Take all the rose moments
into abeyance. Sleep in storms

Until the circle closes from touch.
Spite is the growth of stones and locust's dreams
and the labours of everything.

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